Truth be told, I’ve never been a beach person. I’d always pick the mountains over the beach any day. That was before we became parents, though, when Nick and I could backpack and tent camp. These days, it’s much more feasible to have rolling luggage and our car packed to the brim with alllll of the things needed to survive a vacation with a child. ;) So…now, I’m a beach person. I do see an attempt at camping with a 3 year old in the near future, though.

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This is year two of photographing this wonderful family at Edisto. I love them so much. Every single session I do with them, Josh always says with the utmost excitement, “Oh, these are going to be the best ones yet!” It brings me so much encouragement. I also love that he sneaks a kiss on his son’s cheek every time. In that brief moment, I imagine memories of his son as a toddler rushing back into his mind. The years truly do slip by so quickly. I was asked if I could “take a photo” of Bryson and his girlfriend and also of Blakley and her friend at the end of the session. Now, you guys knowww I can’t just take ONE photo. I find so much inspiration in youth. I try to remember what teenage Kristin loved doing with friends and use that as fuel to produce some memorable photographs. :)

Miller fam, I love you forever and always!