I have been wanting to do a “Dad and me” session for SO LONG! “Mommy and me” sessions are so big in the photography world but not so much photos with just dad. And, I mean I get it, I know most men are very much not into having their picture taken. But, guys, please for your children’s sake- do it! They need photos of them with their dad, especially as they start going through the teen years. They need a physical image they can look at on their nightstand and remember how loved they are.


I’ve known this dude since 7th grade, so over 20 years. (woah, right?) Photographing him with his daughter was so fun! She is just like him with her energy and no filter, which absolutely cracks me up, and boy does she loooove her daddy!! ! I’ve watched Joe for the past 9 years raise her with such attentiveness. Learning to braid her hair, dress her stylish and always making sure she’s top priority in his life.

I’m proud of you man.


There’s a photo close to the bottom of this post where I took a picture of her eyes in the sunlight. While we were walking, she complimented me on my eye color and said hers were “just brown”. I hope she can see the beauty in those brown eyes that I see.