Um, so it’s definitely JULY and I’m just now getting our spring pictures on here! Oy!

This kid LOVES to swing. I’m talking up to 45 minutes sometimes. (although now, in July, it’s much shorter and usually the sprinkler is spraying on him to keep him cool hehe)

After having so much rain and being confined inside, I got Everett rainboots! He absolutely loved splashing around in the mud. I highly encourage him to get as dirty as possible while playing outside. So many new things to touch and explore! On the sunny days, we spent our mornings at the park where his favorite thing to do is pick dandelions. Fists full of dandelions. He brings his treasures home and I go through the house cleaning up so many squished up little yellow flowers. I think that’s one of my favorite things about being a Mama… getting to relive childhood and remembering that he is seeing and experiencing everything for the very first time.

Everything is an adventure. :)